Mission OROP - GoI Strategize to Delay
GoI, loaded with grossly overpaid bureaucrats and law makers (some of them undoubtedly corrupt), have backstabbed the ex-servicemen consistently.
This cut is unkindest of all, since it has been spearheaded by BJP, who has long professed itself as a more patriotic and honest party that the ruling Congress and other state level parties and was at one time a magnate for ex-servicemen
The peacefully protesting veterans were baton charged mercilessly,their priceless blood spilled by Modi Raj's police, an act deeply reminiscent of the British Raj
U.P. Elections - Ear To The Ground
U.P. has been in a constant flux for the past few months, the simmering polarization of society on religious lines have warmed the cockles of both the ruling and opposition parties. Both sense their chances.
The intricate caste fabric, with its extremely complex voting patterns, along with recent sharp political developments has queered the pitch
This time along with Political parties, even the people of U.P. are in a quandary.
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Varun Gandhi-The "If-Only" BJP leader
PM Modi and Amit Shah, has an intense dislike and serious distrust associated with the Gandhi name
Varun Gandhi has been identified as the dangerous latent threat that needs to be addressed now rather than later
The word on the street is that if Varun Gandhi is today declared the Chief ministerial candidate for U.P, BJP might pull a huge surprise
In his entire political career, he has not once been disrespectful to his Gandhi cousins
Media Conceals the Ad-Spend Truth
Recently, main stream Indian media has been kicking up a storm over the ad-spend by the Aam Aadmi Party's Delhi government
The motivation for the main stream media is quite clear. They are bowing to their political master's commands
BJP led Haryana and Punjab government advertise heavily in Delhi and other states; Kerala government too advertises in Delhi and other states; what is the need of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh regularly advertise in other states
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Unprecedented - The Unelected Get Power But Not Responsibility
Former law minister, Mr. Shanti Bhushan had stated, that "of the last 16 Chief Justices of India, eight were "definitely corrupt". He also spoke of "a "common perception" that judiciary uses the power of contempt to silence anyone trying to bring judicial corruption into the public domain".
Giving power to Najeeb Jung, an unelected official, without the burden of accountability attacks the very heart of democratic values
PM Modi More Like Indira Gandhi
Advani and Atal Bihari nurtured BJP had the freedom for its members to voice their opinion.
Power is now firmly concentrated in hands of few, deriving their brute undemocratic might from crony capitalists. All institutions are under acute duress
The vice like grip on all institutions is all pervading and fast spreading, so much so that there is a sense of undeclared emergency.
Subhash Dixit>>> Read More
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